Coupling Algorithms in the EC-Earth AOSCM | Valentina Schüller

Coupling Algorithms in the EC-Earth AOSCM

I started working with the EC-Earth coupled atmosphere–ocean single-column model (Hartung et al., 2018) during my master’s thesis. This is a version of the EC-Earth global climate model which is useful for model development, particularly regarding physics parameterizations in the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers. In my work, I have created scripts and workflows to study the impact of different coupling algorithms on model output. My master’s thesis covers pure atmosphere-ocean coupling, we are working to include other models as well (e.g., the sea ice model LIM3).

The goal here is to make the EC-Earth AOSCM a tool for coupling algorithm development in climate models. See the corresponding GitHub repository for further information.

Collaborators: Philipp Birken; Florian Lemarié & Eric Blayo (AIRSEA Group, INRIA Grenoble); Dynamic Meteorology Group at MISU.